Thank you MERCY Malaysia! We hope the items can help our frontliners to fight against COVID-19. We are in this together and together, we will persevere . Lets #FuelHope together! #FuelHappyAtHome #PetronMalaysia
Petron Malaysia has given the rider 4 T MONOGRADE SAE 40 to the rider brothers all on a sign of thanks for still on duty during the pkp. On The Spirit of #kitajagakita, let petron take care of the motor engine of brothers rider while doing the task ?. Didn’t...
To all our doctors, nurses, enforcers and frontliners, THANK YOU for the never ending sacrifice during this challenging time and for going beyond the call of duty. Sending love, support and prayers to you in every possible way. We hope the 6,000 masks and 40 cartons...
We have an updated Personal Data Protection Act Notice (PDPA Notice)
Please read this PDPA Notice carefully to understand how we treat Personal Data. Should you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this PDPA Notice, Petron Malaysia's ("Petron") use of your Personal Data and the Collected Data, or your rights in relation thereto under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010, please do not hesitate to email: (Attention : General
Counsel/Company Secretary).